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Relationship Susie Evans Relationship Susie Evans

Dating and Dilemmas with Justin Glaze

Several weeks ago I got a DM from Justin Glaze… but it wasn’t THAT kind of DM. He was in need of a videographer for a project and hit up the official bachelor nation neighborhood videographer, yours truly. Well, I happened to be coming up to DC the very next weekend and we agreed that would be the perfect opportunity for me to pop up into Charm City and make his vision come to life.

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Relationship, Family, Recipes, My Life Susie Evans Relationship, Family, Recipes, My Life Susie Evans

I cooked for my brother... kind of

I cooked my brother his favorite meal for his birthday… Okay as you can tell from this video my family doesn’t have complete faith in me to cook a delicious meal unsupervised so I recruited my dad to help me out! I think the problem with my cooking abilities is that I always try to make everything healthy, with no real reference of what is actually replaceable in a recipe.

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Relationship, My Faves Susie Evans Relationship, My Faves Susie Evans

My Black Friday Cheat Sheet

If you know me, you know I’m a bargain buster, sale seeker and overall thrifty shopper when I can be. When it comes to Black Friday, I consider myself a bench warmer because I do all my shopping from my couch. I actually think Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the perfect times to fill in the pieces you’ve been needing in your fall/winter wardrobe, and get ahead of your Christmas shopping while simultaneously saving money.

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Relationship, My Life Susie Evans Relationship, My Life Susie Evans

Break Up Reflection

All of my relationships have left me better than they found me. Even the biggest heart breaks and lapses in loyalty from previous partners have taught me lessons on self worth. But this most recent break up left me wondering what my takeaway would be, because it wasn't blatantly obvious off the bat.

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